Scotland and the Scots, 1707-2007

A Reader

Le portrait des Écossais ne se résume pas à un kilt et une cornemuse. C’est ce que montre avec beaucoup de nuances l’ouvrage de Christian Auer. S’appuyant sur de nombreux témoignages sur la vie en Écosse du XVIIIe au XXIe siècle, il dresse par touches successives, grâce aux citations des sources étudiées, une représentation qui donne vie aux petites gens, ceux qui ont rarement accès aux pages des livres d’histoire. La période couverte démarre en 1707, date de l’acte d’Union entre l’Angleterre et l’Écosse et se prolonge jusqu’en 2007. L’ouvrage est en langue anglaise.

The main purpose of this volume is to demonstrate, through a variety of texts covering a vast historical period and from diverse sources (parliamentary reports, letters, memoirs, excerpts of books, newspaper articles, oral testimonies, and related materials) that Scotland cannot be reduced to the traditional images of kilt and bagpipe.

The author has often chosen to let common people speak—those people whose voice is seldom heard in traditional history books. Any book written about the history of the Scottish nation that would leave aside such significant events as the Union of Parliaments in 1707, the Jacobite risings of the first half of the 18th century, the Highland clearances, or the process of devolution would most definitely be described as incomplete. But a book about the history of Scotland in which the voices of the elites would be the only ones to be heard would be just as incomplete.

The author hopes that his “wandering among words written by others” in temples to knowledge such as the National Archives of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland will ultimately lend new life to those fragments of the past without which it is impossible to understand the present.

Introduction 1707-1800 Timeline 1700-1800 I. Union, 1707 II. Jacobitism III. Religion IV. Enlightenment V. Improvement VI. The Highlands 1800-1900 Timeline 1800-1900 VII. Politics, radicalism and national identity VIII. Religion IX. The poor and the Scottish poor law X. Economic and social conditions Working Conditions Living Conditions Prostitution XI. The Highlands XII. Emigration 1900-2007 Timeline 1900-2007 XIII. The road to devolution XIV. Political and social unrest XV. World Wars World War I World War II XVI. Religion and Sectarianism XVII. Economic and social conditions Bibliography
Écrit par : Auer Christian
Première édition
Langue : anglais
Nombre de page : 386
Dimensions (Lxl) : 24 x 16.5 cm
CLIL : 3378 - Histoire générale et thématique
BISAC : HIS010000 et HIS054000

30,00  TTC

Écrit par : Auer Christian
Collection : Études anglophones
Date de parution : 18/11/2013
Nombre de pages : 386
EAN : 9782868205513

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