RANAM n° 50/2017

Discourse, Boundaries and Genres in English Studies: an Assessment

Avec ce cinquantième numéro, la revue RANAM fondée à l’université de Strasbourg en 1967, propose un panorama des recherches qui nourrissent l’anglistique. Les onze contributions rassemblées dans ce volume questionnent la portée et les usages du concept de genre tel qu’il est mobilisé aujourd’hui par les approches littéraires ou linguistiques.

In March 2017 eleven outstanding scholars from France and elsewhere gathered in Strasbourg on the occasion of a big international symposium celebrating RANAM‘s 5Oth anniversary. RANAM 50 is the proceedings of this conference. The eleven papers cover numerous topics all having to do with the culture of the English-speaking world, past and present, and offer fresh reconfigurations of the concept of genre, in the fields of literature, linguistics and social studies. RANAM 50 is an important contribution to the present-day debate on generic taxonomies, an issue which raises numerous theoretical and typological issues.

Albert Hamm – The 50th anniversary of RANAM and the history of English Studies at the University of Strasbourg and beyond

Isabelle Laboulais – Les études anglaises aux Presses universitaires de Strasbourg (1920-1970)

Jean-Jacques Chardin – Presentation

Irma Taavistainen – The Essay in Early Modern and Late Modern English Medical Writing

David Banks – Establishing the Boundaries and Creating the Genre of the Scientific Research Article in the late Seventeenth Century

Monica Matei-Chesnoiu – Shakespeare’s Infernal Rivers: Topological Space and Dramatic Descensus ad Inferos

Anna Maria Cimitile – Techne, the Visual Arts and Literary Genres: Fractal Epic of the Twenty-first Century

Jean-Jacques Lecercle – Linguistic Creativity: Rule-Governed or Rule-Breaking?

Patrice Larroque – The Linguistic Function of the Marker Steady  in African American English

François Maniez – Representation of Conversational Style in the Oral Components of the BNC and the COCA: Towards the Description of a Mixed Genre

Philipp Schweighauser – Playing Seriously with Genres: Sapir’s ‘Nootka’ Texts and Mead’s Balinese Anthropology

Claude Delmas – Genre, Where -Relatives and (Inter)Subjectivity

Sandrine Sorlin – The Second-person Pronoun Across Genres

Monika Fludernik – First-Person Plural Fiction and Its Challenges

Book Reviews / Recensions
Abstracts / Résumés

Sous la direction de : Chardin Jean-Jacques
Première édition
Nombre de page : 188
Dimensions (Lxl) : 24 x 16 cm
CLIL : 3111 - Anthropologie
BISAC : LAN000000, LAN009000, LIT004120, LIT013000, et SOC002000

19,00  TTC

Sous la direction de : Chardin Jean-Jacques
Thématique(s) :
Date de parution : 11/07/2017
Nombre de pages : 188
EAN : 9782868209658

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