Ce numéro étudie le jeu entre les notions de “contacts”, “frictions” et “heurts” dans la culture anglophone afin d’analyser les dynamiques conflictuelles. Les processus à l’œuvre dans l’élaboration de représentations résultant de la confrontation entre conceptions du monde qui paraissaient ou paraissent irréconciliables sont ici analysés.
This volume examines the interplay between the three notions of ‘contacts’, ‘frictions’ and ‘clashes’ in Anglophone culture so as to analyse the dynamics of conflict, SEARCH’s theme of reflexion. From frictions between critical theories on language or literature to clashes between political or artistic views in the British, Australian, Irish and American contexts, taking into account World War One, Shakespeare and reality TV, the thirteen contributions focus on the processes at work in the elaboration of representations resulting from conceptions of the world or of society which seemed or still seem irreconcilable.
Hélène Ibata – In memoriam Danielle Bruckmuller-Genlot ;
Anne Bandry-Scubbi – Foreword.
Theoretical Frictions
Fanny Moghaddassi – Clashes or Frictions? Approaches to Linguistic Contact in Medieval Britain ;
J. B. Lethbridge – Spenser, Donne, I. A. Richards and the Limitations of Practical Criticism ;
Philipp Schweighauser – Some Reflections on the Place of Aesthetics and Politics in American Studies.
Frictions and Clashes in History
Muriel Adrien – The Strange Case of John Martin’s Dinosaurs ;
Neil Davie – The Impossible Prison? Crime, Penal Policy and Society in Nineteenth-Century England ;
Marilyne Brun – Contact, Friction, Exclusion: Australia’s “Utopian” Federation ;
Yann Tholoniat – “Superhuman inhumanities” : paradigmes et paradoxes de la Première Guerre mondiale dans la poésie britannique ;
Marjorie Gehrhardt – “Sourire quand même” : La reconstruction des Gueules Cassées de la Grande Guerre en France et en Grande-Bretagne ;
Jeremy Tranmer – Contacts, Frictions and Clashes in British Musicians’ Opposition to the Thatcher Governments, 1979–1990 ;
Sandrine Baudry – Nature en ville et conflits urbains.
Twenty-first Century Frictions and Clashes
Marie-Jeanne Da Col Richert – Femmes et hommes migrants en provenance des nouveaux États membres de l’UE dans le monde de l’emploi en Irlande : réalités rugueuses ;
Artur Skweres – Upsetting the Body Politic(s): Witches as Enemy Agents in Rupert Goold’s Macbeth (2010) ;
Sébastien Lefait – “They want more conflict? I’ll see what I can do…”: Reality TV and the Transfiguration of the Commonplace Image in Reality Show (Showtime, 2012).
Book Reviews / Recensions
Abstracts / Résumés
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